Friday, September 26, 2008

Autumn Begins

Well, school is definitely back in session, because I don't have a whole lot to write about. Mark and I have been busy with our jobs and all the delightful little things owning your own business brings....

We did attend a wedding last weekend for one of Mark's friends, Sherry. Sherry is a large animal vet (meaning she works with primarily cows, horses and deer), but has been absolutely wonderful helping Mark and I field numerous questions about what seems an overabundance of maladies with our needy little family of cats and dogs! The wedding itself was in Madison, but the reception was in Columbus (Bob's city of residence). The reception was at a very neat old building at Fireman's Park and Mark and I spent most of our time hanging out on the large deck overlooking the park itself.

Mark took this photo!

This past Monday also marked a milestone event--at least for Mark and the hounds--this year. The first pheasant hunting excursion! Although pheasant season isn't open in general, hunting on private farms is permitted. Mark and Paul (I've written of Paul in previous blogs) took our 2 dogs and 3 of Paul's dogs out to Hi-Lo in Portage. Before Mark, Mingo and Lily left the house that morning, Mark began talking to Mingo (who is always interested in Mark and what Mark is doing and what Mark is saying) about 'pheasant hunting and 'pointing pheasants' and if he wanted to 'get the pheasants'...then--and I kid you not--Mingo began quivering. That dog is crazy about birds. Birds and Mark.


Mingo and Lily anticipating the trip

Lily did okay I guess. She stayed close to Mark's side during the hunt, but she didn't freak out or freeze up like last year, so I guess there's hope for her hunting, although I won't mind if she stays home with me either.

Fanny continues to scorn excessive attention

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Back to School

The first day of school

The new school year began September 2. Although I am smiling in the picture, I sure was feeling a little sad! I had a really fun and productive summer and I didn't really want it to end. Boohoo. I am returning to Elm Lawn as an educational assistant (EA) and will continue my work in the library, a kindergarten classroom and, also, providing supervision at recess. I feel very lucky to work at such a good school and I really enjoy working with Joan, the head librarian, and Annie, a kindergarten teacher. They both are very supportive, fun and interesting women.

Not much has been going on here. Mark and I pretty much ended the summer with the dogs in we spent most of our daily morning walks with them in 1 of 2 places. We would either take them out to the Mazomanie Marsh or to our good friend's property outside of Black Earth. Although pretty and a favorite spot of Mingo's (Mark has taken him pheasant hunting on the public lands out there),w alking in the marsh proved to be trying at times because of the number of mosquitoes. Very annoying.

Our friend, Todd, has about 125 acres of land outside of Black Earth which he said we could walk on--Mark also received permission from him to bowhunt there this autumn. There is a gravel road on the property and a couple of hillsides planted with "Christmas" trees, but that's about it, no house, no farm...just some nice views and pretty trees. And mud wasps that seemed to only go after Mark.

We enjoyed our walks in these areas, but we certainly are relieved that our dogs are healthy and fine to interact with other dogs again. Mingo and Lily really like to be with their friends.Just a tiny showing of a vegetable harvestBritches checked out a quilt I just completed