Sunday, January 6, 2008

Post-Holiday Reunion

Don and Stephen


It was our pleasure to host a brief get-together yesterday with Don, Hope & Crew before they headed back down to their home in Monticello, Arkansas. Bob and his girlfriend, Lisa, and John and Jim also came over for the visit. We lunched on Mark's really yummy chili with all the fixins', sandwiches, and my very naughty, heavily baconed pasta salad.
John & Jim check-out their seats for an upcoming Packer game (note how excited they both look!)

After we ate, John, Bob, Hope and Kenny lobbied for a few games of Topple. The game was actually a gift I gave Kenny for Christmas, but apparently it was also a big hit with some adults in my family...It is a pretty fun game and I'm happy it was fun and entertaining for everyone.
The Topple company could use this photo to market their product. Look at the fun everyone is having!

A break from the game...

I wasn't that interested in the game. I held Stephen and he gave me lots of smiles!
I returned to work from my holiday break this past Thursday. It was hard to go back because I didn't want to leave little Lily, but, alas, she managed to get by without me just fine. She is adjusting nicely to our little home, but she still gets fairly nervous when we take her someplace other than the first level of the house and our backyard. She LOVES any and all attention she can get and LOVES LOVES LOVES laying on the couch. Mingo is also doing a great job getting used to her. He really only had one day of nervous drooling and snapped at her only a few times at the beginning. They are now playing together and sleep next to each other on our couch. This week Mark will take both dogs pheasant hunting.
Lily Pad!

Mark lazin' around with Mingo and Lily

Our friend, Marko, and Lily (Marko is a HUGE dog fan)

Lily draped on top of Mark's head

Jim modeling his Badger birthday gift from mom
Please enjoy the rest of this post which will only be pictures and brief captions.
Don multi-tasks with Beth & Stephen
Lisa & Bob
Jojo & Stephen
Look at their matching expressions! Adorable!
Beth twirling
Jojo & Stephen
Mark & I with Stephen
Beth & me
Stephen didn't want to leave!


Lisa said...

Super cute pictures of Stephen! What an expressive, intelligent-looking baby! Those big brown eyes just melt your heart, don't they?

I can see it's time for me to start a portrait. This kind of cuteness needs to be recorded for posterity.

Anonymous said...

i love the second to last picture! what a mischievous smile on beth -bill