Monday, July 13, 2009

Our Fifth Anniversary

5 Years Ago!
These guys haven't changed that much, have they?! (Kenny, Emma, Michael)

It is hard to believe, but Mark and I just celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary together on July 4. It seems like only yesterday! This also means that we have been living in our home for 5 years and that we've had our ever-delightful, always-charming, calico cat, Miss Fanny for that long.

Me skipping down a grassy hill

Mark and the dogs picking blackcaps

Although we did not get to spend our actual anniversary together because Mark had to work, we celebrated the next day. We began the day by driving to our friend's gorgeous property in Black Earth with the dogs. This is the same chunk of land where we harvested morels in the spring. Todd gave Mark permission to pick berries on his land too. I have to say, that Mark has become a little obsessed with berry picking--much like his obsession with the morels in the early spring. He has picked so many berries this past week that he and and his mom have made lots of jam. Judy has also been busy making her amazing berry pies.

Mingo before he goes out for his run.

Mingo and Lily after they have chased a turkey

After Mark picked some berries and I walked around with the dogs taking photos of wildflowers, we decided to take a little trip to Dodgeville and Mineral Point. One of our favorite things to do together is to drive and explore the backroads of southern Wisconsin. Like everybody else, however, our driving has been reduced as much as we can due to the cost of gas, so our explorations have been few and far between this year.

I've been to Dodgeville before, but never Mineral Point (at least that I can remember). I definitely will be returning to this community to do more sightseeing; the downtown was very scenic and had lots of interesting little shops and storefronts that were decorated for the 4th of July. There are also many historical old homes in Mineral Point, a railroad museum, and a place called Pendarvis that is, I believe, a restored mining community. Mark and I did walk the downtown, but a lot of the shops were closed due to the holiday weekend. We debated whether or not to go to Pendarvis, but decided against it since we still had our dogs in the car and it was getting pretty hot out.

I loved the dog scultpure on this building

Old dolls next to an antique metal train set
We debated about going to the movies or not, but decided that we should just rent a movie and relax with the hounds in our cool and cozy basement on our couches. Yes, probably not the most exciting option, but it sure felt great to relax for a couple of hours. The movie we watched was also VERY good. It was "Gran Torino" with Clint Eastwood.

Loungin' with the dogs

After our movie, we freshened up and went out for dinner at Samba Brazilian Grill in downtown Madison. We had some good things there and enjoyed the live entertainment, but we also weren't very impressed with a lot of other stuff. It was nice getting out and experiencing a new restaurant (go locals!), and we also were able to use a gift certificate, so the cost was pretty reasonable.

Mom and Dad visited this past weekend and we had a lovely time together. I think we all were enjoying the beauty and serenity Wisconsin summers can have.

Britches LOVES the summer because we can keep our patio door door open and he can be "outside" on the screened-in porch.


Hope said...

we just watch gran torino ourselves, and loved it as well...who would have guessed it! See you in a few days.

Lisa said...

We've been picking lots of berries, too-- but not enough for pies or jelly! The kids like to eat them up fresh.

You guys have me curious about Gran Torino now. I haven't seen that one.