Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Pole Building

Bob scales the roof of the shed

How quickly summer is ending! Only 2 more weeks left and then I'll be returning to school for our first in-service. Rats! However, I do feel that I've accomplished a lot over the course of this summer as far as household tasks and sewing projects are concerned. I have also done quite a bit of tutoring.

Birch trees in Rhinelander

A couple of weeks ago my mother-in-law, Judy, coordinated a successful food drive in Cross Plains for a charity that she volunteers with, M.O.M. (Middleton Outreach Ministries). M.O.M. helps people in need in the Middleton/West Madison area by providing food, clothing and medical assistance. The organization also helps seniors with chores, shopping and companionship. The "Stuff the Truck" event was held outside our local Piggly Wiggly and because of volunteers like Judy, Van, Greg, Renee, and our good friends Oscar and Karen (and their granddaughter Sophia), who stood outside the store and greeted people with a smile and a pamphlet about the pantry's needs, a whoppin' 800 lbs. of food and $104 in cash donations was collected! Way to go, guys!

Judy (in blue) with Karen and Oscar and their granddaughter Sophia (in pink).
That same weekend I went north to Rhinelander to see Mom and Dad and to help my friend Ingrid move to her new digs in Lac du Flambeau. If you recall, Ingrid and her husband Craig had been living in Anchorage, Alaska for the last five years. Both of them wanted to move closer to home for awhile, and this feeling was escalated last year when their baby boy, Soren, was born. Ingrid applied for numerous teaching jobs in the U.P. and throughout Wisconsin and was successful in securing a teaching position in Lac du Flambeau as a middle school English teacher! I'm thrilled to have my dear friend so much closer to home...I've sorely missed her goofiness and wisdom. Yes, wisdom:)

The pole building grows
Bobby takes a quick break.
Dad with saw

I unfortunately didn't take any pictures of the home Ingrid and Craig are renting...but soon enough there will be LOTS of pictures of the little clan gracing the pages of this blog! Right, Ingrid?
Mom and Lily observe the guys working
Dad using the saw

Romeo in his roost
I know I've said this before, but when the weather is nice up north it is so nice up there. Mom and Dad's cat, Romeo, enjoyed the beautiful days by snoozing in his cat condo and my traveling companions, Mingo and Lily, of course just reveled in the thrill of being at a place where they can constantly run. Here they "patiently" wait for me to let them out for more running time outside.

There is no such thing as rest when the hounds get to Rhinelander
My brother, Bob, and his friend, Charlie, made a suprise appearance that weekend too and used the time and the nice weather as an opportunity to work on the pole building which is located behind my parents' home. I have to say it was pretty fascinating watching Dad, Bob and Charlie work on the roof. They layed some black (tar?) paper on the new boards and lifted large sheets of plywood on top of that. Following Bob and Charlie's measurements, Dad would cut pieces of material with a handsaw and then hand the pieces up to Charlie and Bob who would, in turn, scale the scaffolding and rooftop with a lot more confidence than I could ever muster! Yikes! I'm amazed with Dad's and Bob's skill and craftsmanship. It was pretty neat to stand aside and watch father and son work together like that.

Dad lifts a large piece of plywood to Charlie
Charlie would then lift the plywood to Bobby
That same afternoon, Mom and I walked around the house, snapping some delightful summer images with my camera. It was fun strolling and chatting casually with Mom. She has much to be proud of, as her large vegetable garden looked lush and healthy and her small flower gardens that border the house were looking full and vibrant as well. The photos below are just for fun. Many of them are just "things" around the house that I thought looked interesting.

Look carefully. That's Mom "driving."

Mom waves hello from the other side of the garden

John, please note this lovely rose.

Clothespin on the line
A sandy ball of chains next to the garage.

A watering can hanging on a nail on the house.

An old truck in the back
Fun Fungi I

Fun Fungi II

Can you see? Signatures engraved in the cement of the bomb shelter.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Great photos! Thanks for the visit, Lu!!!