Sunday, January 3, 2010

A White Christmas, Part I

Christmas 2009 was spent in Rhinelander. With the exception of my brother Bob who has his own snow removal business in the Madison area and who was kept away due to the weather, everybody was able to make it home at some point
for the holidays. Here, the cousins begin to open some gifts...

Mom and Dad enjoying a gift from my sister.

Emma is all smiles.

Michael contemplating something...

Leila grabs onto someone's foot for extra support.

My sister and her oldest, Michael.

The cousins spent a good chunk of time making beautiful jewelry for family.
Emma scoops up a gorgeous pile of beads for me to photograph.

Beth enjoying an orange.

Emma is an avid drawer--note the ink-stained hands from coloring with markers.

Christmas Even morning. Stephen.

Stephen sharing something with his younger cousin, Leila.

Where could Leila be?
Sneaky girl!

We woke up to a lot of snow on the morning of Christmas Eve. Dad began snow removal with his very capable tractor.

Stephen was absolutely mesmerized by all this activity going on with the tractor. He is very interested in cars, trucks, tractors, etc.

Stephen wanted to share his excitement over the tractor with Leila. She was a little more interested in her bottle.

Before Lisa and Jon H. headed back to Colfax, we all took a walk in the woods. It was stunning out there, with the new, clean snow falling fat from the sky. It was a really good walk. Pictured here are Kenny and John.

Mark and Emma pose for the camera.

Jon gives Beth a boost.

We were all charmed with the beauty.

Brother John with Emma and Kenny.

Back at home, I went for sled ride down the hill with Emma and Beth.

Here we go! That is little Cocoa chasing behind us.

Beth is in front, Emma is all smiles, and I'm the Eskimo in the back.



Lisa said...

Nice pics! You should send me some of those :).

I blogged too. It's a doozy.


Anonymous said...

I love the Hodag snow globe cookie below. I enjoyed playing Don't Break the Ice especially during Christmas. :) My least favorite part of Christmas, naturally, was flipping the car. Happy New Year! - Bill