Saturday, April 3, 2010

Banquet and baths

My friends, Barb and Jill, and I at the Pheasants Forever banquet in February. The top picture shows the game that Mark was in-charge of manning. Standing next to him is our friend Jeff and Mark's dad, Van.

I'm afraid I've been quite neglectful of the blog. I will try to do a better job with my postings this spring. The weekend of Dad's birthday was also the weekend of the annual Dane County Pheasants Forever banquet. Mark is very involved with this organization and helped coordinate this large event with about 12 other men. The banquet itself includes a variety of games and auctions as well as a nice dinner and the money generated is used for youth outdoor educational progams and prairie restoration projects around the county.

Our friend Dan Dresen and his 2 daughters, Megan and Carmen

Smile! Billy, Jill and Dan Howard

Sudsy Mingo

The entire month of March was unseasonably warm and dry. I think we only had a trace of snow early in the month (we average around 8-10 inches in March). Of course as dog owners, we relish in the warmer weather for walking our dogs, but also have to contend with the mud that comes with the thaw and the rains and--worst of all--all the little dead things that seem to "pop-up" all around. Unfortunately, this mud and the annoying "need" dogs have to roll in the smelliest, most disgusting decaying thing on the ground means us having to watch our hounds extra carefully as they do their rounds in the yard and having to give them extra baths when we're just a second too late...

Poor Lily awaits her turn for the dreaded shower...

Although Mingo does walk to the utility shower without assistance, Lily is still reluctant and often needs a helping hand from Mark to get her in there.

Although Mark speaks to her softly with reassurance while he's washing her off, he still likes to have a little fun with her too!


Hope said...

Lily and Beth are kindred spirits! I have a picutre just like that of her!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't suppose I liked showers either at Lily's age. - Bill