Monday, August 2, 2010

Reunion Picnic

On Saturday, July 25, Judy hosted a Morels Picnic Reunion. ALthough the day was a little hot and steamy, the rain held off and everyone enjoyed catching up with each other!

Judy supplied sandwiches and her famous berry pies (5 different kinds!) and the guests brought side dishes to pass.

A lot of bocce ball was played.

Former server Cassidy with dear friend, Donna.

Shari, Brian H., and Holly.

Greg, Renee, Mani and her little daughter, Presley.

It was just so nice to see so many people come out for this event! Here, Mark stands with our dear friend, Susie.

Brian H., Mark, Aaron and Jenna

This summer I've also been doing more baking and cooking, since I'm not as busy with tutoring. Judy gave me a wonderful lesson on how to make her fruit pies, and look how gorgeous it turned out! You can see I am quite pleased.

Our summer is going by so quickly it seems! I think it is because since we actually have weekends now with Mark's new job, we are doing more and going to more places...We are having a great time, but it's going too fast! Mark spent Sunday afternoon working on our yard.

As Mark was mowing our yard, I was busy cutting renegade bushes that were creeping into our lawn and walkways. I guess I can't help but get a little distracted by interesting leaves....


pretty mushrooms....

sprouting in and around our lawn.

The cats have also been very busy this summer, sleeping and....
getting in my way as I work on household projects...
and learning how to cook and...

taking fiendish delight in laying in the middle of all of my sewing projects. Bad kitties!

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