Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ushering in Autumn

I am afraid that I am long overdue for an update. With the end of summer and the beginning of a new school year, the old blog has been lost in the shuffle of life. I have a whole bunch of pictures to post too but I need to only post half now and the other half will have to be posted....someday!

It's hard to tell by looking at this, but that is a sleepy bat hanging upside down from one of the lights in our garage. I was too jumpy to get closer, but I liked the timing of this little guy! After all, Halloween is quickly approaching!

My brother-in-law, Greg, is the head football coach at West High School in Madison and one of their games was aired on television a few weeks ago, so I took pictures of Greg busy coaching his team. Unfortunately, they ended up losing this particular game, but they have won their past 2 games! Go Regents!

Our loving cats continue to brawl EVERY DAY.

Fanny decided to make herself comfortable in a large canning pot.

Very comfortable.

Mingo was very sad when I had to go back to school. He liked our daily morning jaunts.

My first day of school for the 2010-2011 school year.

When I do the next posting, I will be showing pictures from my cousin's beautiful wedding in Wausau. To finish this blog, I will post other pics from that weekend. Here, a gorgeous shot from a newer trail on my parents' property (taken 2 weeks ago. Dad informed me a couple days ago that most of the trees have now lost the majority of their leaves).

There were heavy rains in the northern and central parts of Wisconsin, causing flooding in some areas, including our very own creek on Timber Lane.

Oscar "hopping" with excitement.

Goofballs Lisa and Jojo hammin' in up in Rhinelander.

John, Mom, and Lisa

Mom walking from the house.

The color was at its peak that weekend...and it's just breathtaking being there.


Jojo surveying the high, fast-flowing water next to the river by the papermill.

Those little specks at the end of the driveway are turkeys that were foraging for food.

Mom's red jacket perfectly matched the dramatic red maple leaf she found on the ground.

We were all quite taken with the plethora of mushrooms growing in and around the trails by my parents' house. It was like they were making their own bold statements in the face of nature and the impending cold....

Pine needles that had fallen from the trees above had actually pierced the top of the larger mushroom.
Mom and John

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i just watched a part of an episode of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. :) i like the picture of the cats brawling. just like the discovery channel
