Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Butterfly & the Pirate

Once again, I have fallen quite behind in my blogging and I have no other excuse other than "too busy" to offer. The top photo, if you can believe it, is my sister Lisa and I posing with our handquilted skirt and vest ensemble in 1979 (I was 3 and Lisa was 10)! My mom's dear friend, Eleanor, made these little outfits for us and we just loved them! Below this picture is a reproduction, with Lisa's two daughters--who coincidentally share the same age gap as Lisa and I--wearing our 30+ year-old outfits!

It was fun having Lisa, Jon and the kids come down for a weekend visit in mid-October. We really wanted to dress the girls up and pose them for this reproduction shot while they both still fit into these little clothes! It's hard to think we were so small.

By his own accord, Mark slaved away in the kitchen that weekend making apple crisp, apple butter, applesauce, and roasted root vegetables. When he gets a notion in his head to do something, it is hard for him to stop!

Mom and Dad also visited that weekend. Here, Mom regales Emma with a story.

Mom presented Mark with an early birthday present: This absolutely stunning dresden plate. He just loves it Mom!

Jojo and Bobby came over and visited too!

The guys were quite involved with a Badger game. Go figure.

Mom and Lisa

Leila tolerates Lisa putting her shoes on.

Before they left, Jon and Lisa treated Mark and I to a yummy lunch at a local pub. Thanks guys!

The following weekend was Halloween and for the first time in 9 years (I made Mark dress up and go to State Street when we first started dating), Mark and I dressed-up and went "out" to a Halloween party at our friends' house. We kept it simple and cheap!

Arrg arrg, matie!


Anonymous said...

i like your butterfly wings! i was a police officer. and that picture of emma and leila is precious.

Anonymous said...

i think i didn't post my name with my comment. - bill