Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pilgrimage North

A snowy and slick pilgrimage north for Thanksgiving was done by several of the Bragg "kids." The rather harrowing drive Wednesday night was rewarded by a sunny wintry Thursday, complete with snowladen trees, glistening, fresh snow on the ground, and cold, crisp air.

Jojo multitasking: Walking with the family and dogs, scoping the land for a perspective Christmas tree, and enjoying a glass of wine!

John, Bill and Scott surrounded by the beloved pines.

Mark helped Mom prepare the Thanksgiving meal. Yes, that would be a blowtorch he is using to brown-up the skin of the turkey which was cooked in a Nesco. We love the way a Nesco cooks the turkey, keeping it succulent, but the color is always rather bland--so Mark decided to try this method and....

it worked great and was absolutely spectacular tasting and looking!

Please note the beautiful wintry view from the windows of my parents' kitchen.

Definitely a Thanksgiving essential: Couchtime.

My brother, Bob, treated us to some phenomenal homemade breads that weekend! The bread was perfect--a really crusty crust, but a soft center.
Plus, the bread just looked awesome!

The day-after Thanksgiving the "kids" spent a few hours supporting the local economy and reconnecting with our old community.


Scott and me

Bill and Scott stand in front of Bugsy's

We observed the annual holiday parade in downtown Rhinelander. It was a rather chilly evening and I'm afraid poor Bill and Scott were caught off-guard. That's Bill bundled up in blanket from our car and Scott wearing a double-hat. They were good sports and did not have to suffer long because the parade was very short!

I just love the police vehicles in Rhinelander with the hodags on them!

Lots of ATVs were featured in this parade.

That would be Happy the Hodag riding in this vehicle.

I believe this was the Girl Scout Troop walking by dressed as ornaments and Christmas trees.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Mom's Thanksgiving table looked great! Scrumptious looking turkey and Bob-bread. And I'm feeling kind of incomplete for never having witnessed the Rhinelander parade. Looks fun!