Saturday, November 7, 2009


Mark poses proudly with his handsome hounds.

The opening day of pheasant season was October 17. I joined Mark and his dad while they hunted on public grounds at the Mazomanie Marsh on Sunday, October 18.

Van and his trusty Brittany spaniel, Lizzy. Van was quite charitable that day and led us through "manageable" terrain for the hunt because I was tagging along. Most of the birds hide in really dense, thick brush and grass. Thanks, Van!!

Poor lil' Lil is still apprehensive about the guns--she stuck close to Mark and I, but did fan out a couple times in search of birds.

Mingo, on the otherhand, was in hog heaven! It really is pretty neat to see these dogs doing their thing in the field.

The morning was absolutely beautiful. A welcome reprieve from all of the rain and cool temps that October brought.

A small creek between farm land and marsh.

Van surveys the area.

Do you still question Mingo's happiness?

That's DEFINITELY a smile on his face as he took a brief second to rest.
Lily made her own fun by jumping into the creek.

Lily, Mark and Mingo.

At the end of every hunt, however, there is always a de-burring. Mark carefully works on removing burrs from Mingo's foot. Mingo doesn't care for it, but he certainly doesn't protest.

John and I were able to drive up to Rhinelander together last weekend to visit Mom and Dad. Here, John assists Dad with putting in a new storm window.

John also helped Dad hoist one of the tractor attachments onto a wheeled platform that Dad can then maneuver around his garage. Dad has made many of these wheeled platforms as well as shelving units that he can manipulate freely around his work areas.

This picture has no real story to it, other than I thought it was kind of a cute image.

The work on the pole building in the back of the house has really progressed. I still can't believe how skilled Dad and Bob are!

I was able to walk up to the 2nd level of the pole building and, with much excitement, I took this picture from the little window. A new perspective of the Bragg home!

Mom cleaning some pumpkin seeds for drying.

Dad using a nifty little paper cutter to cut some of my photos that I had brought along.

We awoke to a light snow fall on the morning of Halloween! It went from almost 62 degrees and very windy the day before to 32 degrees and this snow the next day. Some things just don't change...

As much as I sulked that day about the snow, it did look just beautiful in mom and dad's pines. Then again, it always looks beautiful there.

John and Mom.

On Halloween night, I joined the Bodensteiner clan for a little trick-or-treating in Rhinelander. Here, Ingrid, Soren (who is dressed like a clown) and Craig get psyched for the big event.

Of course, the first stop was at the Cranberry Inn Bed and Breakfast because it is located right next door to Bodensteiners'.

I really, really like this picture because the witch is so black and because you can see the Courthouse in the back. The cowgirls walking in the foreground are two of Ingrid's nieces.

Unfortunately, I didn't get all of the girls in this photo (sorry Ana!), but here are 3 of Ingrid's nieces. From left to right are Sophie, Solenne and Bo-Pha.

At one of the houses, a couple of goofy high school girls were dressed as ninjas and "battling" each other on the roof. Crazy kids.

Lily, Mingo, and Oscar sure had a good time together and were sad when we had to leave.

I certainly promised John that we would return to Madison BEFORE the big Packer/Vikings game that Sunday. I was able to keep my promise. Here, Mark dons his Packer garb before we headed over to Van and Judy's for the game. Unfortunately, the Packers suffered a painful defeat...

1 comment:

Lisa said...

No one questions Mingo's happiness! Your pets have it made.