Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Buck Stops Here

A much-deserved good day for Mark.

At 6:30 a.m. on a Saturday morning, while sitting in his tree stand, Mark shot and killed a buck using his bow and an arrow. At 6:45 a.m. Mark called me (yes, awaking me from my Saturday morning slumber) with much excitement, telling me of his accomplishment and asking me to come over with my camera to photodocument the occasion.

The property Mark hunted belongs to our friend Todd. It is located in Cross Plains and is just a few miles from our own home, so the drive time to get there each day was just a matter of minutes for Mark.

This tree growing in the backwoods of the property shows the mark of a large buck's antlers rubbing against it. Bucks do this to remove the velvet from their antlers and also because they mark their territory.

The blood on the fallen leaves marked the short path the deer took before it collapsed dead.
Here is the arrow that struck the deer. Notice the red top of the arrow, called the knock, is glowing. Mark has a few of these fancy lighted knocks which are handy to use in the retrieval of the arrow itself and/or in shot placement. The knocks light up when the arrow is released and "shut-off" when the the arrow is found and tapped on the ground.
Here is the proud hunter with his deer.
Mark called his good friend Tim, who only leaves a mile or so away from the property, to help him haul the 180 lb. animal out of the woods. You can also see Mingo in this picture. I brought the dogs along with me after Mark called. They were intrigued by the kill.
According to Mark, the deer is an 8-point buck with a coupld of additional little kicker points.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Good news for Mark! Jon hasn't gotten a deer yet. He's going to be real excited for gun season.