Saturday, December 5, 2009

A Family Gathering, Part II

Bill and me.

Jojo poses with Stephen. Stephen looks very much like John did when John was a little boy!

Dad and mom were pleased to see all of their children and grandchildren together.

The Dog-Whisperer Emma cuddles with Lily.

Lisa was a popular cuddler!

Mark stands proudly over 1 of 2 turkeys cooked to feed the masses. This year, he stuffed each bird with persimmons and citrus fruits and fresh herbs, browned them in the ovens and slow-cooked them in Nescos.

Mom and I share a quiet hug.

Both Emma and Beth were fortunate to have their portraits drawn by a talented artist named Bill. Here, Emma sits patiently as Bill sketches her face.

Food! The meal was served buffet-style and everybody contributed various dishes to the feast.

Mark's parents joined us for the meal. Seated at the upstairs table are Judy, Dad, Lisa, Van and Deb.

We all enjoyed conversing and mingling over delicious food and wine.

Hmm. Methinks that Leila is planning her next naughty-manuveurs.

After the hearty meal, many went back downstairs to continue playing Singstar.

John has a moment of "glory" while Jim tries to rein him back to reality!

Van and Dad discussed one of Dad's newer toys--a GPS unit.

Too much fun! A tuckered Leila takes a catnap next to Emma and Mingo.

Jojo and Stephen in-cahoots again.

Donnie shares a song with his youngest, Stephen.

At one point, Bill opted to take a little "break" from the crowd and conversed on his cellphone outside. Perhaps, I could join him on that empty bench.....Just kidding!

Hope lounges with a few cuties.


Lisa said...

I love that pic of John hamming it up with the singstar mic (and Jim apparently urging him to reconsider). A classic Bragg holiday moment.

Anonymous said...

i love the don and stephen song! bill