Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Jenga Madness

Thanksgiving Day was spent at Van and Judy's. Judy's younger brother, Jonathan, came down from Gordon, Wisconsin (way north, by Superior) with his wife, Laura, and their 2 children, Aaron and Jacob. Pictured here are Laura and Judy accompanied by Sam.

Yet another Packer game was played that day. I think they won. Here, Renee and Greg get cozy as Van and Mark chime in about a play.

Lizzy loves it when her dog cousins come over... but they all get pooped from the excitement.

Renee lending a helping hand in the kitchen.

Although the guys did toss the football around, the BIG entertainment were the multiple games of Jenga. Here, Laura contemplates her next move as Aaron looks on.

Mark planning his next move in this precarious game. Greg and Renee hold their breath with anticipation....

Laura balances her block on the top.

Opening a little vino as Abby and Mingo look around, wondering when they will get some Thanksgiving treats.

Van does the honor of carving the turkey.

Judy stategically supplied bones filled with tasty treats for each of the dogs so that we humans could dine in peace.

Life is good.

The guys threw a football around for awhile.

Lily planning a sneaky assault on Lizzy.
Greg throwing the football.


You snooze, you lose! Sam the oportunist loved the fact that her cousins didn't finish their bones and went outside to romp around. She was thrilled to stay inside and finish any remnants...

Judy, Van and Renee

The Sunday after Thanksgiving, we went to Summer's Christmas Tree Farm which is located just a mile down the road from us. They always have the most beautiful trees located on a piece of land that is just breathtaking AND they have a really fun little Christmas shop with all sorts of little goodies. Mark is about to cut the twine that is wrapped around the tree.


Mark is a man who likes A LOT of lights on his tree. Last year we switched to the LED bulbs and Mark made simple but very organized and effective storage units out of particle board and nails. Each strand of lights is wrapped tightly around nails and then the units are stored in our garage attic. Here, Miss Fanny monitors Mark as he unravels and tests lights.

Have you seen "Christmas Vacation" with Chevy Chase? Here, Mark was just double-checking all of the light strands to make sure they were working, but I had to chuckle at the multiple plug-ins latched onto each other and the strands themselves getting twisted together, all over a power strip that was balancing on a plastic bag filled with various paper products. Christmas, here we come!

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