Tuesday, March 15, 2011


My best friend Ingrid had her second baby, a boy she named Silas, on February 22. I had the opportunity to travel to Springstead and visit the little guy when he was about two weeks old. The top picture shows Ingrid holding sleepy Silas. The black and white is Ingrid making chocolate chip cookies with her other son, Soren.


He was just 6 lbs here!

Ingrid's husband, Craig.

Craig and Soren wrestle. I think Soren won.

The same weekend I visited Ingrid and Craig, I also got to see my sister and her 2 daughters and John and Jim. We were all staying at Mom and Dad's, of course, and we enjoyed celebrating Mom's 67th birthday!

Leila anticipates trailblazing through the deep woods.

What luck to have such a kind uncle pulling them in the sled!

Emma impressed us all with her skills at making miniature origami pieces.

As delightful as my weekend up north was, we continue to have a tyrannical dark cloud over our lives--that created by our new governor and his henchmen. Both Mark and I have been attending protests at the Capitol (when we can) since the middle of February. The following pictures are images taken from a couple of different rally days.

I get a kick out of this picture: An officer checks his Blackberrry while on horseback.

A firefighter marching amongst the crowd.

At one of the rallies, a woman dressed as Sarah Palin walked around waving to the masses with the sign "This bill's stupid and I know stupid!"

The day of the "counter-protest" brought only a handful of Tea Party supporters. Contrary to the media coverage, there were NOT many pro-Walker supporters there. And as far as mob-like aggression, the debate pictured here between a man and a woman was as "heated" as it ever got.

One woman in support of Walker walks against the crowd.

One of my favorite signs.

Craig and Soren are in the middle of this picture, to the left of the large sign that says: Walker Enemy of this Family.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I hadn't seen this blog yet! Looks like you had a nice visit with Ingrid's family. We enjoyed seeing you in Rhinelander and again this last weekend, in Colfax.