Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spring is (Not) Here!?

Well, if you lived in Wisconsin during the month of March, you certainly experienced the truth of the old saying "March comes in like a ___ and out like a _____." In this case, March came in like a lamb, with sunny,calm days that were warm enough to melt the majority of the snow, but definitely a very large lion came out at the end of the month! Cold, sleety and snowy days, combined with winds and dreary skies. All I can say is: Enough already! In fact, I just had my "spring" break but I use that term loosely. There was nothing very spring-like about it. I did have a really great visit at my sister Lisa's house in Colfax. The top 2 pictures are of her youngest daughter, Leila, who will be three on Monday, April 4! Happy Birthday, Leila! The first day of my visit I got to go to the school where my nephew, Michael, and niece, Emma, attend. Pictured here is a statue of the school's mascot, the mighty Viking. I was also fortunate enough to catch some of Emma's volleyball practice. Can you spot her? She is in the middle with the red T-shirt and pink shorts--certainly one of the tallest girls (which is really great for volleyball!). Here she is participating in one of the serving drills they were doing. She whacked that ball over the net! After each girl served the ball, they were supposed to go lay down on the other side of the court while the rest of the girls finished their serves. Volleyball player I am not...and I missed the explanation of why they had to lay in the area where balls were landing...but I'm guessing it's to get them used to balls flying at them? Hmm? The second day of my visit was spent mainly indoors due to cold rain. While the older kids were at school, Lisa and I spent time reading with Leila and sipping coffee and talking together. It was really nice. I also got to spend time with Lisa's husband, Jon, who is often away for his job which requires long hours and distant worksites. Jon's father was not feeling well and was in an Eau Claire hospital, but his condition has improved since and he is faring better. Their cat, Cuddles, spent lots of time meowing at me and even spent a minute stalking me...much like she used to do when she was just a kitten over ten years ago! Cuddles Tah-dah! I was awokened by Emma on my last day in Colfax with her saying,"Don't worry, Lulu, you can keep on sleeping because it is a snowday!" After sleet and freezing rain had fallen in the evening, during the night 6 inches of snow fell, with another4-6 anticipated for the daytime hours. You can see my vehicle covered with the wicked white snow. Lisa and I chuckled at her window hanging which seemed to be mocking us. Springtime in Wisconsin indeed!

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