Sunday, June 5, 2011

Firepit Fun

Hello nice weather? After what has been a very cool, wet spring, it now seems we are beginning the summer months with 90 degree days and high humidity. I have to admit, I am lovin' the sunshine and warmth though! This picture of me shows my "new" do (even though it's been like this for over a month). The top picture was taken in Rhinelander and shows some of mom's violas.

Mark and I had a chance to get away to Rhinelander over Memorial Day weekend. We arrived Saturday night and were immediately awed by a beautiful sunset that seemed to showcase the cozinesss of Mom and Dad's house.

A view next to the kitchen door, with blossoms on the tree.

Of course, there were many walks with the dogs...

Mom was delighted to show us her newly constructed flower garden gate. Nice job John, Jim and Dad!

A project that Dad is working on is going through his old photographs and labeling people, dates and places featured in the photos. This is a great idea, that I know I need to do with my own photos.

John and Jim's cat, Bucky, is temoporarily residing in Rhinelander while they try to sell their condo in Madison. Bucky enjoys sleeping in the crib and has proven to be an adept mouser!

Mom dazzled me by showing a dozen or so quilts that were made in the early '80s and are still new, because she has had them in storage all this time! It was so cool to see the original old fabrics which, by the way, are already being reproduced and sold as "vintage" in quilt shops! This pattern is a bowtie.

This beauty is called "The Tree of Life."

A close-up.

We were lucky to not have the rainy day that had been predicted for us. We were so eager to enjoy the beautiful day outside together, that we started a bonfire in the back at about 3:00 in the afternoon! Please note that Dad is sitting to the right of the new fire ring he purchashed to help contain the fires and that there is a ring of rocks surrounding that to help with the containment and to make it a level place to walk.

The attractive red pole building pictured above, which has been a labor of love of Bob and Dad's for several years, may be too attractive. Porcupines have taken a shine to the siding on the building and have been eating it, as you can see in this picture. There are several spots like this around the building, but I believe Dad has an idea to deter the naughty porkies.

Mark, Mom, and Dad

Mingo and Lily enjoyed the weekend as much as we did!


Back at home, Britches and Fanny enjoy the warmer weather too. They love going out on our enclosed porch, watching the ground squirrels and birds flit about.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Love your "new" haircut! (I hadn't seen it yet). Great blog as always; you are a great natural photographer.