Thursday, June 30, 2011

Spring Green Arts and Crafts Fair

Summer is now here. We think. Like most of our spring, our summer began rather cool and wet. Thankfully, we had some nice weather when Mom and Dad visited last weekend. I really wanted to take Mom and Dad to this great arts and crafts fair held annually in Spring Green. We enjoyed spending the late morning walking around and looking at the different vendors' wares, including the sneaking cat sculpture (Bucky inspired?!) and the large preying mantis sculpture shown in the first two pictures.

These men were demonstrating throwing pots.

This man was doing an incredible job creating a portrait of a girl and her baby brother who was actually laying in a stroller.

Saturday night we had a special meal in honor of Mom and Dad's 43rd anniversary that was on June 15. John, Jim, Bob and Nancy came over to help celebrate. Of course, I made Mom sweep our deck before everyone came over (just was her idea).

John will be starting a new job as a professor at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois in August. Congratulations, Jojo!!

Jim, Mom, and John.

Can you spot laughing Dad?

Dad, me, Mom, and John

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look out, mom! I remember those giant killer bugs from that movie, Starship Troopers. :). Bill